Are you a landlord who’s dealing with demanding tenants right now? Being the owner or the landlord, you need to take full responsibility for taking necessary actions while abiding the law. There are effective ways you can follow to put things in line with the agreement written on the papers, before and during the tenant’s months of living.
Here are some of the situations and examples in dealing with difficult tenants.
Demands from Late Payers
Some renters demands to pay the rent probably for a few more days or weeks. A wise decision needs to takes place here. If the renter is constantly doing this even with the rent notice were already extended, you have to make a firm agreement in order to cut off this kind of demanding acts. Landlords can pursue an eviction if the agreed memorandum will not be followed.
For example:
Joshua, a hardworking call center agent who works at dawn and leaves the property often. Steven as the landlord rarely sees him in days. Several months ago, he pays Steven regularly with the exact amount. However, as the months go by, Joshua seemingly pays late and sometimes only half of the due payment. Steven gave several chances even though he doesn’t accept partial payments or do payment arrangements from the start of his business.
Steven delivered a late rent notice but Joshua only ignored it, triggering him to send him out of his property. Personally, Steven reminds Joshua to pay him in full, if not, he will get evicted. Joshua agrees and promised to pay him in one month as soon as possible. But it never pushed through. Joshua is not a bad tenant, yet you need to take steps to stop acts like this. Basing on the 7 steps in evicting a tenant properly, Steven should consider the law and file a complaint in the court to address the situation.
Maintenance Demands
As a landlord, we aim for the best living for our tenants as they occupy. A comfortable stay is what the renters were looking for. Here are two reasons to be considered when it comes to maintenance and repairs.
- Calamities may destroy any area of the house including the windows, roof, ceiling, driveway, patio, comfort rooms and many more. This shouldn’t be a reason for the tenant to demand because any shelter at risks need appropriate and immediate action.
- Some terrible tenants are frequently demanding maintenance changes like changing showers, doors, windows or anything that likely suitable for them. It is alright if this is not to be fulfilled urgently and is convenient for the landlords. But if you feel intimidated by their requests, you could reject it. Just explain clearly to address the situation. Remember, you are the landlord and it’s your choice to say no when requests are not that necessary.
For example:
Billy had stayed in your 2-story house for over 8 years. Everything was fine until an earthquake hit your area, destroying parts of your houses especially in the 2nd level where Billy’s room is located.
Find a contractor to check the areas affected by the calamity to prevent major damages to your property. Ensure as well the room where Billy is located to retain a good relationship with him. Secure the safety of your tenants since you are responsible for a livable, safe and clean living for them. Always put in mind that as a landlord, keep a “warranty of habitability” always for your tenants.
Below are helpful tips in dealing with demanding tenants:
Esteem to the person and its request
Be sure to respect and be considerate enough to the tenants’ requests. Rejecting their demands for the good gives an impression to tenants that you are focused on your business. Not all requests are urgent and important. Better to allocate time and priority on every request that your tenants are asking. The urgency of the requests will matter especially when it is about natural calamities.
Stand your ground
Here, you need to explain things as clear as possible so that you will be understood. When proper reasoning is presented, this would be likely accepted by your tenants. Be straightforward about your perspective in dealing with demanding tenants. State the reasons why you’re losing patience. Stand your ground like in a war battling for peace and good relationship. Make your stance clear to inhibit actions that possibly result in evictions.
Appropriate gestures
Possessing good body language while explaining is considered. This proves that you are showing respect to them as they have been part of your business. Eye contact and tone of voice are necessary for conveying your message to your tenants. Don’t be negative in whatever they say and have some time to think about it. Reject the requests from terrible tenants politely to still ensure a good relationship with them. Don’t turn down your tenant as if they are another person. Giving suggestions or opinions reflecting their ideas enable either party to agree on some points. Look for the positive.
Control your temper
As always, be polite even if your patience is running out. Stop and think like ten seconds. If the other party is angry, or both, stay calmer and refuse to rise to their level. Settle it with kindness. If the tenant you are arguing with is still angry, part ways for a moment to tune down the atmosphere. Stuck in bad emotions will prevent you and your tenant to make the best decision. Anger will be fading soon and can address it again swiftly by resuming it at another time. Invite your tenant for another conversation and by this time, decisions are done and just waited to be expressed again in a peaceful manner.
Practice saying NO
As a landlord for more years, you could be able to face more struggles higher than just dealing with demanding tenants. You will come to a point that you need to evict a tenant because terrible tenants are rude to their landlords, causing major damages to the property, creating health hazards, noise and even lawbreakers in the property. These are parts of engaging in this kind of business. Better start practicing unaccepting requests and demands from bad tenants.
Limitation and Consequences
Set limits to your business especially when you choose to be a landlord. Limitation acts like your patience. If you tolerate inappropriate behavior, so it is. But if bullied most that would likely affect you emotionally and physically, cut the crap out of it. Stand up and be dominant in your decisions.
Landlords need to agree and disagree for specific reasons. Building confidence with your decisions will make you successful in running this business. Learn how to choose yes and no option at the right timing. Anytime you reject or refuse people’s request, they might be unhappy. But if the right decision is preferred, both of you will understand and prosper good living.
Evict your Tenant
If you have done everything to settle arguments with your demanding tenants but still insisting and continuing unpleasant actions, you have to evict them out of your property. Evicting a tenant needs to follow some rules and regulations even in this kind of circumstance. Read more about the Landlord and Tenant Act. It indicates self-help evictions are illegal. This includes forcing the bad tenant to leave your property, locking out the room he is staying, removing the tenant’s staff without his permission, and shutting all his primary needs (water and electricity).
Evicting a tenant is a long process that will cater to most of your time and effort. Fortunately, some buyers buy houses even along with demanding tenants. Sellmytenants.com is one of the cash buyers, willing to take over with your problem.